Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A World Gone Mad


I have always been an optimist, I have always believed the no matter what kind of mess that humanity got itself in, we would find a way to overcome. Look at everything we’ve overcome so far, World War 2, Terrorist attacks, disease, invasions. We have always overcome. Today my faith was all but destroyed.

Humanity is a sorry thing. We have this super awesome gift called life, and we choose to squander and waste it. We fuck off each day wasting away with pointless drama. Every single person who reads this is guilty of it, including the author.

I’ve always fought to help the little person, the nerd in high school, the co-worker who didn’t work as fast as the other guys. Even to this day I try to counsel my friends, I try to help them make the right choices. For the record I don’t have many friends left. This hasn’t gotten me anywhere. Being nice sucks. Being nice gets you kicked in the fucking face. This my friends has caused me to lose faith in humanity.

So fuck it from here on out I’m gonna be a cunt and see what that gets me. Fuck all of you.


  1. You should write more. I try to blog about this stuff and I give up, I wish I would have kept everything I blogged about but then again it would be a broken record over the years. I'll bookmark your site just in case.


  2. Hi, stumbled onto your blog via mgoblog.

    I've often thought about this topic as well, notably after someone I try to be nice to shits on my face. Not only that, but I also feel discouraged by how opportunistic or blind many people are. A few years ago, I read a bunch of Charles Bukowksi and took on his attitude for a time. I don't think this helped me at all. Only managed to transform me into a miserable asshole-- a rut that is not easy to escape. It wasn't until I read Journey to the End of the Night by Louis Ferdinand Céline that I found an acceptable world view that aligned well with the way I feel about the human condition.
